Early Faience Stein Catalog


The material in this catalog is drawn from three books, all titled Fayence und Steinzeug aus Vier Jahrhunderten (Four Centuries of Faience and Stoneware), published in 1990, 1991 and 1996 by Peter Vogt, “Antiquitäten im Rathaus,” Munich, Germany. Permission to reprint here has been granted by Mr. Vogt.

In the original hard-copy version of this material, descriptions of the steins were provided solely in German. We’d like to thank Dagmar Rives for generously donating both her time and skills to produce the Beer Stein Library translations.

It should also be noted that the original text contained numerous bibliographical references to German language source materials. Given the difficulty of obtaining those materials in the North America, the references have been omitted.

Your comments are invited.

© 1998-2024 Beer Stein Library — All rights reserved. No portion of this catalog may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.


To use this catalog, simply click on one of the groups of steins listed below. When the applicable thumbnail pictures of individual steins appear, click on one you would like to see. From an individual listing, use the “Back” button on your Internet browser to return to the thumbnails or to this page.

 Abtsbessingen  Dorotheenthal  Hannover-Münden  Öttingen-Tiergarten
 Amberg  Durlach  Künersberg  Posthaban
 Ansbach  Erfurt  Lesum  Proskau
 Augsburg  Flörsheim  Magdeburg  Rheinsberg
 Bayreuth  Friedberg  Norddeutschland  Salzburg
 Berlin  Gmunden  Nürnberg  Schrezheim
 Braunschweig  Göggingin  Olmütz  Sulzbach
 Crailsheim  Haban  Öttingen-Schrattenhofen  Wiesbaden
 Delft  Hanau