“Pollution Control”

Catalog No. 98

Pottery or stoneware, relief, 0.5L, inlaid lid, signed “PD” (Peter Dümler).

“Erst wenn liegt der Jud’ darnieder kehren Glueck und Segen Wieder.” (body)
(Only when the Jew is laid low will fortune and blessings return again.)
“Der Itzig nimmt den Stab zur Hand und Raiset ins Gelobte Land.” (lid)
(Itzig takes the staff in hand and travels to the Promised Land.)

The central image on this anti-Semitic stein depicts Germania, an ancient symbol of German culture, standing on the Talmud, Judaism’s primary source of religious law and theology. The scene on the left portrays a celebration with an angel overhead. On the right is a derogatory depiction of Jews being driven out through a city gate captioned “Weiche Satan” (depart Satan) while a creature from the underworld flies above. The lid inlay presents a denigrating caricature of a Jewish man hiking to the “Promised Land” with a bag on a stick labeled “1100000”.

See also Nos. 67, 299 and 300.

Price Range: $1,400-$1,700

Lid Inlay
Lid Inlay
DB 98
DB 98

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