“Drinking Landsknechte with Saying”

Catalog No. 184

Pottery or stoneware, relief, 0.5L, pewter lid, dated 1888 in the mold and signed “PD” (Peter Dümler).

“Trink nach alter deutscher Weise,
in der Freunde frohem Kreise,
lang diesen Steinkrug noch leer.”

(Drink according to old German custom,
in the happy circle of friends,
long empty this stein.)
“Trinke friedlich, singe froehlich.”
(Drink peacefully, sing cheerfully.)
“Sei gemuethlich, zahle redlich.”
(Be comfortable, pay fairly.)
“Auf dein Wohl.” (some examples)
(To your health.)

Landsknechte were feudal serfs used for military purposes by their masters. These “soldiers” were often traded between landowners and were, in a sense, the equivalent of modern mercenaries, with the important difference that they were not free to choose their employer.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $75-$100
Ltd-color: $60-$80

DB 184
DB 184

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