“Three Emperors”

Catalog No. 196

Pottery or stoneware, relief, 2.0L, pewter lid.

“Lerne leiden ohne zu klagen.”
(Learn to suffer without complaint.)
“Wir Deutsche fürchten Gott, aber nichts in der Welt.”
(We Germans fear God, but nothing else in the world.)
“Ich habe keine zeit müde zu sein.”
(I don’t have time to be tired.)

Stein depicts Wilhelm I (1797-1888), Friedrich III (1831-1888) and Wilhelm II (1859-1941), the three emperors who reigned over the German empire from 1871 through the end of World War I.

The first text line (Lerne leiden....) is one of a long list of “Prussian Virtues” and currently serves as the motto of the elite German Naval Special Forces. The second (Wir Deutsche....) is taken from a speech given by Chancellor Otto von Bismarck to the German Reichstag on February 6, 1888. And the third (Ich habe....) is a frequently quoted sentiment of Wilhelm I.

See also No. 193.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $200-$300
Ltd-color: $175-$250

DB 196
DB 196

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