“Scenes from Goethe’s Faust”

Catalog No. 389

Pottery, relief, 0.5L, pewter lid.

“Der Teufel selber lobt und singt heil dem der fleißig ißt und trinkt.”
(The devil himself praises and sings hail to the one who diligently eats and drinks.)
“Ein Dichterwerk wird niemals alt das preist des Trunkes Allgewalt.”
(A poem never gets old which praises the power of the drink.)
“Minne und Becher auf der Welt am allerbesten uns gefällt.”
(Love and a beaker we like the most in the world.)

The three scenes on this stein are taken from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s classic play Faust, written during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Based on earlier German legend, it tells the tale of a man who agrees to sell his soul to the devil.

Master stein is No. 426.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $60-$80
Ltd-color: $50-$70

DB 389
DB 389

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