General Tilly

Catalog No. 61

Pottery, relief, 8.0L, pewter lid.

Johan Tserclaes, Count of Tilly (1559-1632), more popularly known as �General Tilly�, is a frequent subject on Diesinger beer steins. General Tilly was Commander of the Catholic Holy League during the 30 Year�s War against the Protestants, winning several important victories. However fate turned against him in 1632 when he was wounded during a battle with Swedish forces along the Lech River in Germany and died soon afterward in Ingolstadt.

Master stein to No. 68. See also No. 73.

Same model number applied to a stein depicting Renaissance Couples.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $600-$750
Ltd-color: $500-$650

AD 61
AD 61

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