Courting Couple

Catalog No. 181

Pottery or stoneware, relief, 2.5L, pewter lid, signed �GK�.

��nnchen v. Tharau ist�s die mar gef�llt.�
(�nnchen von Tharau is the one I love.)

In 1636, a young girl named Anna Neander was married to Johannes Partatius, a minister. A baroque poet, Johann Simon Dach (1605-1659), was invited to the wedding. He fell in love with the bride and wrote a poem about her 1637. The text on this stein is taken from a later version of that poem, penned in 1778 by Johann Gottfried Herder and set to music in 1825 by Friedrich Silcher.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $125-$175
Ltd-color: $100-$150

MG 181
MG 181

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