Bottle with Tomcat and Monkey

Catalog No. (X18)

Stoneware, figural, 0.5L, marked �LB&C�.

�Der Geist einmal herauf beschworen,
l��t seine Folgen bald erkennen,
den Opfern die er sich erkoren,
an Dingen, die wir Affen, Kater nennen.�

(Once the spirit has been summoned,
soon makes the consequences known,
the victims he has chosen,
of things that we monkeys call tomcats.)

To appreciate the meaning of the text, it must be understood that the tomcat (Kater) is both a German symbol and idiomatic expression for a hangover, and that monkeys (Affen), in Germany and elsewhere, are symbolic of drunkenness (monkey on one�s back).

Note that the full-color version is more the elaborate of the two shown, with a figural devil handle and a jacketed tomcat at the top with its head disappearing into the bottle.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $400-$550
Ltd-color: $300-$400

HR (X18)
HR (X18)

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