Finger Wrestling

Catalog No. 1119

Pottery, relief, 1.0L, figural lid (shield bearer).

�Ehrlich macht reich aber nicht gleich.
Die Guten siegen im Erliegen.�

(Honesty makes you rich but not immediately.
The good win even in defeat.)

Finger wrestling (Fingerhakeln), viewed as a serious sport in Bavaria and throughout the Alpine region, pits two contestants against each other across a substantial table. The objective of the contest is for one to pull the other across the table using only a single finger. In this playful depiction from a painting by Franz Defregger (1835-1921), a man takes on two women simultaneously.

This stein exists in two virtually identical versions numbered 1119 and 11119 (presumably later). Sale prices tend to be in the same general range for both.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $75-$100
Ltd-color: $60-$80

JWR 1119
JWR 1119

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