Flirting Scene

Catalog No. 348

Pottery or stoneware, relief, 0.25L, pewter lid, signed �GT� (Gustav Thinwibel).

�Je b�ser das Weib, desto sch�ner die Kneip.
Je sch�ner die Kneip, je schlimmer f�r�s Weib.�

(The meaner the wife, the finer the tavern.
The finer the tavern, the worse for the wife.)

Sixth in a set of six, with Nos. 343, 344, 345, 346 and 347.

See also Nos. 217, 326, 1762, 2745 and 9403.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $40-$60
Ltd-color: $30-$45

MR 348
MR 348

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