World War I Military Commemorative

Catalog No. 2404

Pottery or stoneware, relief, 1.0L, pewter lid.

�Wir Deutsche f�rchten Gott u. sonst nicht auf der Welt.�
(We Germans fear God and otherwise nothing else in the world.)
�Zum Andenken an die Deutschen Waffentaten 1914/15.�
(In memory of German military exploits 1914/15.)

The second text line (Wir Deutsche....) is taken from a speech given by Chancellor Otto von Bismarck to the German Reichstag on February 6, 1888.

See also No. 2398.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $175-$250
Ltd-color: $150-$225

MR 2404
MR 2404

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