Swastika in Wreath

Catalog No. 5448

Stoneware, relief, 0.5L, pewter lid.
Shown here with custom figural helmet on lid (add 20%).

�Nimmer wird das Reich zerst�ret, wenn ihr einig seid und treu!�
(Never will the Empire be destroyed, so long as you are united and loyal!)

Depicted on the left side of this stein is the Volkerschlachtdenkmal (Monument to the Battle of Nations), built to commemorate the defeat of Napoleon at the 1913 Battle of Leipzig.

The image on the right side recalls a historic ceremonial handshake between German President Paul von Hindenburg and Chancellor Adolf Hitler at Potsdam�s Garnisonkriche (Garrison Church) on 21 March 1933. The event, which was to become known as the �Day of Potsdam�, symbolized a coalition of the German military and Nazism, and the beginning of the infamous Third Reich.

Text is originally from the first act of play entitled Jugurtha by Gaius Sallustius Crispus (86 BC-c. 35 BC). The same text also appears on a statue of Kaiser Wilhelm I, built on the Deutsche Eck (German Corner), a headland where the Mosel and Rhine Rivers intersect in Koblenz.

Price Range: $300-$400

MR 5448
MR 5448

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