Munich Child

Catalog No. 209

Pottery or stoneware, figural.
Pottery version produced in 1.0L, 0.5L, 0.3L, 0.25L, 0.125L, 0.0625L and 0.05L sizes.
Stoneware version known to exist only in a 0.5L size.
Smallest size (0.05L or 1/20th) has no pewter lid ring

Created as the coat-of-arms or archival seal of Munich in 1239, the M�nchner Kindl (Munich Child) has evolved from a hooded monk standing in front of Munich�s gate to a charming child and symbol of the city.

These steins were produced by Merkelbach & Wick for distribution by Jakob Reinemann, a Munich dealer, and are typically bottom-marked �J. Reinemann/M�nchen.� They may also be seen marked �L. Lichtinger/M�nchen.� Lichtinger was sold to Otto Lowenstein in about 1896, who at the time also owned the firm of J. Reinemann.

As might be expected, some painting variation exists between individual pieces, but it should be noted that a distinctively �pale face� pottery version exists in all sizes (deduct 30%).

Price Ranges
1.0L: $125-$175
0.5L: (pottery) $100-$150
0.5L (stoneware): $125-$175
0.3L/0.25L: $75-$100
0.125L: $60-$80
0.0625L: $50-$70
0.05L: $40-$60

Size Variations
Size Variations
MW 209
MW 209

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