
Catalog No. 270IIII

Pottery or stoneware; figural; 0.5L, 0.4L or 0.25L.

Individual members of the �270� series (270I�270VI) are identifiable solely by their six different lid inlays, including five monks and a nun. This stein (270IIII) and all others in the series may be found with two body styles, distinguished principally by the positioning of the hands. One has the hands placed on the figure�s rope belt, while the other has the hands placed above the belt. Stoneware versions have been seen both with and without pewter base rings.

Versions of this stein exist with metal heads that closely match the Merkelbach & Wick 270IIII-type head. They have been observed in bronze, copper, pewter and even silver. It�s doubtful that these heads were made in the M&W factory, though they may have been applied there.

Price Ranges
0.4L/0.5L: $125-$175
0.25L: $90-$125
Metal Head: $175-$250


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