Lichtenhain Style Stein

Catalog No. 1180

Pottery, relief, 0.5L or 0.4L, pewter lid.

This is a ceramic imitation of a Lichtenhainer Krug, named for a small town in Saxony where wooden Daubenkr�ge (slat steins) have been produced since at least the 17th century.

Typically found marked �Otto Buhlmanm/Leipzig�, a finishing shop/distributor.

The example displaying the large circled �B� (below right) was a special order promoting Bitterfelder Bier, made for the Actien Bierbrauerei, Bitterfeld (now Bitterfeld-Wolfen.)

Price Ranges
0.5L: $50-$70
0.4L: $40-$60

MW 1180
MW 1180

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