Drinkers Through the Ages

Catalog No. 1460

Pottery, relief, 0.5L, pewter lid.

�Die alten Deutschen tranken schon, beweis hat man genug davon.�
(Even the old Germans drank, for which one has plenty of proof.)
�Mit Humpen, Schwert und Psalter, schritt man durch�s Mittelalter.�
(With stein, sword and psalms, they marched through the Middle Ages.)
�Aber die Herrn mit Puft u. Schlitz, z�chteten manch fidelen Spitz.�
(Even men with puffed sleeves and slits, bred many a merry comment.)
�Dahingegen die Perruken, sassen gar nicht gerne trucken.�
(While the men with whigs, did not at all like to be dry.)
�Item unter Napoleons Hut, trank man auch nicht lauter Blut.�
(Even under Napoleons hat, one did not only drink blood.)

See also No. 1462.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $90-$125
Ltd-color: $75-$100

RH 1460
RH 1460

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