“Tacitus on the Rhine”

Catalog No. 1468

Pottery, relief, 0.5L, pewter lid.

“Als Er am andern Morgen, sich seinen Jammer besah,
schrieb Er aus Wut u. Rache in die Germania:
die alten Deutschen, sie wohnen auf beiden Seiten des Rheins,
sie liegen auf Bärenhäuten und trinken immer noch eins.”

(When he contemplated his misery in the morning,
he wrote of fury and thoughts of vengeance in Germany:
the old Germans, they live on both sides of the Rhine,
they lie on bearskins and always drink one more.)

Text is taken from a song entitled “Tacitus und die Alten Deutschen” (Tacitus and the Old Germans), written in 1871 by William Ruer.

Publius (or Gaius) Cornelius Tacitus was a first century Roman senator and historian. Among his works are some of the earliest known descriptions of tribal life in what the Romans called “Germania”, and of the interactions between ancient Germans and the Roman Empire. In this humorous depiction, Tacitus bemoans his apparent inability to keep up with his hard drinking German hosts.

See also No. 1465.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $75-$100
Ltd-color: $60-$80

RH 1468
RH 1468

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