Germania with Departing and Returning Soldiers

Catalog No. 684

Pottery, relief, 0.5L, pewter lid.

�Fest steht die Wacht am Rhein.�
(The watch on the Rhine stands firm.)
�So leb denn wohl, mein trautes Lieb.�
(So farewell my dear love.)
�Gott gr�sse dich o s�sse Heimath.�
(God greet you oh sweet homeland.)

Germania is an ancient symbol personifying the strength, unity and liberty of Germanic peoples.

The text beginning �Fest steht�� is derived from the chorus of �Die Wacht am Rhein� (The Watch on the Rhine), a German patriotic anthem, written in 1840 by Max Schneckenburger and set to music in 1854 by Karl Wilhelm.

Dates on the iron crosses (i.e., 1870/71) commemorate the German victory in the Franco-Prussian War.

See also No. 1194.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $125-$175
Ltd-color: $100-$150

RM 684
RM 684

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