Edelweiss with Saying

Catalog No. 851

Pottery or stoneware, relief, 0.5L, pewter lid.

�Gru� aus den Bergen�
(Greetings from the mountains)
�Gru� von der Alm�
(Greetings from the Alpine meadow)
�Wer auf Bergen und Burgen nicht trinkt und singt,
auch n�chtern im Thale nichts kluges vollbringt.�

(He who does not drink and sing on mountains and castles,
even sober in the valley accomplishes nothing clever.)

Edelweiss is a flower that grows on the slopes of the European Alps.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $60-$80
Ltd-color: $50-$70

RM 851
RM 851

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