Drunken Man Leaving Tavern

Catalog No. 1153

Pottery, relief, 1.0L, pewter lid.

�Grad� aus dem Wirtshaus komm ich heraus,
Stra�e, wie wunderlich siehst du mir aus,
rechter Hand, linker Hand, beides vertauscht,
Stra�e, ich merk� es wohl, du bist berauscht.�

(I have just come out of the tavern,
street, how strange you look to me,
right hand, left hand, both reversed,
street, I realize it well, you are intoxicated.)

Text is the from a song (�Grad aus dem Wirtshaus�) written in 1842 by Heinrich von M�hler and sung to a traditional Spanish melody.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $75-$100
Ltd-color: $60-$80

RM 1153
RM 1153

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