Catalog No. 107
Porcelain, figural, 0.5L.
Manufacturer�s catalog evidence (below left) establishes that Schierholz made a Stag with Monocle stein in the late 19th century. However, no examples of that stein are currently known to exist. Full-color reproductions, with markings similar to those that would have been found on the originals, were produced from about 1986 to 1995 (right). In addition, a modern reproduction (circa 1970?) has been seen in blue and white (below right). All reproductions are readily distinguishable from the originals by a difference in antler configuration.
Pottery (as opposed to porcelain) reproductions were sold by Domex/Gerz. With respect to the latter, see What is it � German or Chinese?.
Price Ranges Original: $6,000-$7,200 Reproduction (full-color): $200-$300 Reproduction (blue/white): $300-$400 Domex/Gerz Reproduction: $75-$100