Courting Couple at a Well

Catalog No. 168

Pottery or stoneware, relief, 0.5L, pewter lid.

�Jetzt gang i an�s Br�nnele, trink aber nit,
da such� i mein herztausigen Schatz find�n aber nit.�

(Now I go to the well, but I do not drink,
for there I seek my beloved but do not find her.)

Text is the first stanza from a song entitled �Die drei R�selein� (The Three Little Roses), written in 1826 by Friedrich Silcher and sung to a melody from a 1765 symphony by Johann Zach.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $60-$80
Ltd-color: $50-$70

AJT 168
AJT 168

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