“Events in the Black Whale at Ascalon”

Catalog No. 2194

Pottery, relief, 3.3L, inlaid lid, figural alligator handle, signed by J. Stahl.

“Im Schwarzen Walfisch zu Ascalon da trank ein Mann drei Tag,
bis dass er steif wie ein Besensteil am Marmortische lag.”

(In the Black Whale at Ascalon a man drank for three days,
until he lay stiff as a broomstick on the marble table.)

“Im Schwarzen Walfisch zu Ascalon da sprach der Wirt: ‘Halt an!
Der trinkt von meinen Baktra Schnapps mehr als er zahlen kann.’”

(In the Black Whale at Ascalon the innkeeeper said: “That’s enough,
he’s drinking more of my Baktra schnapps than he can pay for.”)

“Im Schwarzen Walfisch zu Ascalon da bracht’ der Kellner Schar
in Keilschrift auf sechs Ziegelstein dem Gast die Rechnung dar.”

(In the Black Whale at Ascalon a group of waiters brought
the bill to the guest on six tiles written in cuneiform.)

“Im Schwarzen Walfisch zu Ascalon da sprach der Gast: ‘O weh!
Mein baares Geld gieng alles drauf im Lamm zu Niniveh!’”

(In the Black Whale at Ascalon the guest said: “Oh, my!
My cash was all spent at the Lamb in Niniveh!”)

“Im Schwarzen Walfisch zu Ascalon da schlug die Uhr halb vier,
da warf der Hausknecht aus Nubierland den Fremden vor die Thür.”

(In the Black Whale at Ascalon the clock struck half past three,
when the Nubian bouncer threw the stranger out the door.)

“Im Schwarzen Walfisch zu Ascalon wird kein Prophet geehrt,
und wer vergnügt dort leben will zahlt baar, was er verzehrt.”

(In the Black Whale at Ascalon no prophet is honored,
and he who wants to live there in pleasure must pay cash for what he consumes.)

The poem, written in its entirety on the body of this stein, is “Altassyrisch” (Old Assyrian) by Josef Viktor von Scheffel (1826-1886), which tells the story of a student who eats and drinks at a tavern named the Black Whale, until he is confronted with a bill which he cannot pay, at which point he is unceremoniously ejected. .

Master stein to Nos. 2243, 2244, 2245 and 2363.

Price Range: $300-$450

Lid Inlay
Lid Inlay
Mettlach 2194
Mettlach 2194

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