“Drinking and Gaming Scenes with Saying”

Catalog No. 2284

Pottery, relief, 3.9L, inlaid lid, signed by J. Stahl.
Scene positioning can vary.

“Nach alter Weise and deutscher Sitte,
trink was klar ist, red’ was wahr ist.”

(In accordance with custom and German tradition,
drink what is clear, speak what is true.)
“Nur wo guter Trunk und Speis’, singen, spassen und erzählen,
kommen Gäste jederzeit, weil sie keine Sorgen quälen.”

(Only where there is drink and food, one sings, jokes and talks,
guests will always come because no troubles will bother them.”

Master stein to Nos. 2249, 2250 and 2251.

Price Range: $300-$450

Lid Inlay
Lid Inlay
Mettlach 2284
Mettlach 2284

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