“Portrait of Friedrich von Schiller”

Catalog No. 3034

Pottery, cameo, 1.0L or 0.5L, inlaid lid.

Produced on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his death in 1905, this stein honors Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805), a leading German dramatist, poet and literary theorist. Among Schiller’s best-known works is An die Freude (Ode to Joy), later set to music by Ludwig van Beethoven in his Choral Symphony.

Price Ranges
1.0L: $400-$550
0.5L: $300-$400

Lid Inlay
Lid Inlay
Mettlach 3034 (1.0L)
Mettlach 3034 (1.0L)

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