Hunter’s Farewell

Catalog No. 1214

Pottery, relief, 0.5L, figural lid (barmaid), signed “KB” (Anton Killian “Karl” Beuler).
Produced with saying in either German or English.

German text:
“Ein frischer Trunk, ein Freundeswort,
die scheuchen alle Sorgen von uns fort.”

(A fresh drink, a friendly word,
these dispel all our sorrows.)

English text:
“Love to one, friendship to many, and good will to all.
May good nature and good sense be ever united.”

Central decoration taken from an 1877 painting entitled “Abschied von der Sennerin” (Parting from the Herdswoman) by Franz Defregger (1835-1921).

See also Nos. 111 and 1260.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $60-$80
Ltd-color: $50-$70

MG 1214
MG 1214

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