Flirting Scene

Catalog No. 1218

Pottery, etched, 0.5L, inlaid lid.

�So manches liebe Gl�schen m��t da so ungetrunken sein,
So mancher Mund, der k�stlich ist, blieb da � ach Gott! � so ungek��t.�

(So many a dear little glass must be undrunk.
So many a luscious mouth remains there � oh God! � unkissed.)

Text is taken from a poem entitled �Lied des Wanderburschen im Wald� (Song of the Traveling Journeymen in the Forest), written in 1862 by Karl G�rtner.

Price Range: $100-$150

Lid Inlay
Lid Inlay
JPT 1218
JPT 1218

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